Cash Flow Calculators
How does inflation impact my standard of living?
How much am I spending?
How long will my money last?
College Calculators
When should I begin saving for childs college?
How much should I be saving for college?
Insurance Calculators
How much life insurance do I need?
What is my life expectancy?
What are my needs for burial and final expenses?
How much disability income insurance do I need?
What are the chances of becoming disabled?
What are my long-term care insurance needs?
How much will I earn in my lifetime?
What are the tax advantages of an annuity?
How long will my current life insurance proceeds last?
What is the future value of an annuity?
Which is better, comprehensive plan or high-deductible plan with HSA?
Investment Calculators
Paycheck & Benefits Calculators
What is the impact of increasing my 401(k) contribution?What may my 401(k) be worth?
Retirement Calculators
How much retirement income may my 401(k) provide?
Social security retirement income estimator
How much will I need to save for retirement?
Are my current retirement savings sufficient?
How does inflation impact my retirement income needs?
I am retired, how long will my savings last?
When should I begin saving for retirement?
Saving Calculators